I’ve downloaded the upgrade from Flow Professional 3.0.0 and am trying to import the ARK-series in to my existing template. Please could you check the Vienna Instance M-ARK 0-1-2-4? because it’s empty there is no content…
I’m importing the Ark Series from the Flow 3.0.0.cpr via track presets in Cubase
When selecting the OMA midi tracks together with the applicable track instruments what happens when the import is done, I get some additional midi tracks from the other library’s…although not selected during the import.
Furthermore when selecting only the Track instruments for importing the first one loads in a decoupled state.
I’m importing the library into a Template without the Flow integration
Hi Erwin,
The instances of Vienna are fine, I have double checked.
What I suggest is that you open the original vienna file where all is ok, you save the instance, then load your template and load the instance into the empty one,
all will be loaded in it as it should be