NSSE Symphony Series Strings Cellos(0) is set to Basso

Hoping all is well with evryone. NSSE Symphony Series Strings Cellos(0) is set to Basso.
Went to use this today and discovered an error and not wanting to get into the whole “add an instrument to Flow” procedure I figured I would seek some guidance. Seems like if I had a tool to generate the files I need I would be able to fix it quick and easy(Hint:)), as well as add East West Opus Edition.
Just thinking out loud. It’s most likely an easy fix.

Hi Paul,
sorry I don’t understand the fix to be done, can you maybe attach a screenshot?
I can quickly provide a fix


VEPro7 NSSE Cellos(0) has a Bass instrument

ok I see
I will release a fix soon
