Hi all,
Last night I released a new major version of the professional template v2.1.0, you can just download it from your admin area again, good news it is a free update 
Change log available here
Very important you need to set the number of instances in Vienna to be at least 4 (and not 3)

6 new libraries have been added to the template
- Abbey Road One
- Albions Neo
- Aluphone
- Fragile Strings Evolution
- Angular Strings Evolution
- Woodwinds Evolutions
It also contains a major update in the naming of the Vienna instance, which is key for upgradability.
All Professional users are highly recommended to use this version, specially if starting to extend it with other custom libraries
Change Log
0000025: [improvement] Change the name of the Vienna instance with a name that will never change (artificial harmonics)
0000024: [new feature] Add Spitfire Aluphone in the template (artificial harmonics)
0000023: [improvement] Move Spitfire Titanium Euphone in the Spitfire Percussion Redux instance (artificial harmonics)
0000022: [improvement] Move Spitfire Harp in the Spitfire Percussion Redux instance (artificial harmonics)
0000021: [new feature] Add Spitfire Fragile Strings Evolution in the template (artificial harmonics)
0000020: [improvement] Improve mixer and groups (artificial harmonics)
0000016: [new feature] Add Spitfire Abbey Road One in the template (artificial harmonics)
0000019: [new feature] Add Spitfire Woodwinds Evolutions in the template (artificial harmonics)
0000018: [General] Increase Vienna instances from 3 to 4 (artificial harmonics)
0000017: [new feature] Add Spitfire Angular Strings Evolutions in the template (artificial harmonics)
0000011: [new feature] Add Spitfire Albions NEO in the template (artificial harmonics)
Hello Marco,
Hope you’re doing well. You are not gonna believe it but last night i finished uploading al my libraries in my own template using yours as a base model. This morning i saw you’ve uploaded an update for flow. Great stuff!
Here’s my question: Do i need to update flow if i modified it with my own stuff? Is the process of updating the same and could you please explain that some more? Maybe like what to upgrade and what to leave alone during the update.
Thanks for all the great stuff you’re putting out
Greetz Alex
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Hi Alex
incredible that you already were able to add libraries! congrats!
Unfortunately I realized there was something wrong in the template and had to take an action asap.
The name of the vep instances in version 2.0 contains the libraries that are in it
- simple cause in a moment you know where a certain library is
- not good because if I add new libraries in the instance and change its name the connection with Cubase is lost.
So I had to change this, and now the name of the instance is like in Flow1 something more generic and that will never change.
Another thing I did is to improve the mixer of Cubase, before the layer 1 and layer 2 were mixed. Now they are totally separated, I suggest you to read this:
What you have already coded for Flow+ can stay, just copy your content inside the standard Flow content.
For the template unfortunately there is no simple way to import a rack, I have spent days looking for this and there is no solution.
Here is the process I have found to be the simplest one:
- open the new flow cubase project
- import from your project the midi tracks you have created
- recreate in the new flow project the rack and connect them to Vienna
- redo the routing of the midi track to the right vienna instance (the midi port will stay)
- reactivate in the rack the output and fix the mixer
What will stay
- midi channel
- expression maps
- midi sends
- naming of the track
Let me know if you have any doubt
I’ve got a little doubt
. I’ve created a template that i’m very happy with(read lots of hours hahaha). i’ve created my own routing, added a lot of tracks(not only midi) and inserted all my plugins in the spots where i want them. So rebuilding that is gonna take some time.
Now the last step for me is to integrate the touchscreen(flow+) into my setup with the tracks i’ve added. After this i’ve got a beast of a setup that will keep me happy for years and years. Will i be able to do that still without doing your updates and keeping it like it is?
Hi Alex
in that case you do not need to upgrade, you can still live with your template and do not plan to upgrade with mine, or maybe you could do the opposite and import the tracks from the new version inside yours (if you need them)
the new update does not have any impact on the integration with Flow+ so you can still use your cubase and vienna template with all the new releases of Flow+
I understand redoing is not nice and you have already invested a lot
Up to you, but I would tend to answer you to just stay with what you have done 
Maybe, just check the new mixer in cubase and see if you can do the same on your side
Thank you for your detailed answer. I’ll stick with what I’ve got for now and have a look at the mixer! Might have already done that