External Touchscreen question

Hi Marco, Ive just purchased a Dell touchscreen soley for use with Flow. My Nuendo and VEPro run on my main Mac Pro computer. My question is, will the flow app work if I connect the new touchscreen directly to the mac (with a 3rd party driver to enable multi touch support) or alternatively is it possible to buy a windows mini pc, run the flow app on that? will it be able to communicate with my mac and how does it connect. i.e if I was to connect the mini pc to my router via ethernet which is also connected to the mac will i be able to establish communication this way. I ask only because I believe multi touch support for the dell monitor and mac computers is not supported, therefore why im thinking of getting a mini pc to get this all to work. (PS my mac pro is an older model with no wifi - hence connecting via ethernet) Any thoughts. Cheers.

Flow, or o-s-c, has two parts. The server part runs on the computer with Cubase on it. The touch part runs in a chrome browser on any computer including the one the server is on. So you could use your mouse on your Mac if the monitor is plugged into it, as well as the touch if you can get macOS to run it. That I’m not sure about since it’s been a year or two since I tried it.
I run the touch part on a separate pc with a built in touch screen so the mini pc should work when connected to the network your Mac is connected to whether it is wireless or Ethernet.
You could download o-s-c and try it out to see how it works before you spend money on a bunch of stuff. You don’t need flow to experiment with and try o-s-c.

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Thanks for steering me back on track Paul, for some reason I was curious whether I could just run flow itself from another computer and establish the midi port connection via the network. Just trying to make life complicated for myself I guess :slight_smile: Thanks for the reply.

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