Hi there,
someone asked me the question and therefore I am asking it to you
Hi there,
someone asked me the question and therefore I am asking it to you
Tried it out today. MacOS 10.13 running Cubase 11.0.30 and VEPro7. The Open Stage Control is v1.12.0. Windows 10 and Chrome on Lenovo touch screen over ethernet.
Connected to one Windows 10 Pro server with VEPro7 so far, so good.
I am using a 27" Raven screen. All works great.
Initially iI had the Raven plugged into my master Mac, but wasn’t ideal.
I now run it on one of my Slaves that’s also running Vepro. I maximise it to full screen, and it then stays full screen without getting in the way of Cubase on the Master.