Add a way to keep the Divided Track List Visible

Is there a way to keep the Divided Track List Visible at all times and if not is it in the road map?

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Hi Marco, I second this post, It is very inconvenient to have all my tracks that I have in the Divided section disappear every time I select an instrument from Flow, once I click on show all tracks, my markers, tempo tracks certain audio tracks that I always want to be in the top section of Cubase (Nuendo in my case) etc etc do not reappear and I need to turn them all back on from the visibility tab. Have you any advice. Thanks

Hi Paul & Paul

thanks for sharing this, I am going to try what is possible.

To hide I am using a standard function of Cubase, I need to check if there is a way to tell him to hide midi tracks and not other types

if you also have idea meanwhile let me know


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Thanks Marco, much appreciated